If you’re WA based, our Blended Learning study mode option for the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing is a great online option if you cannot attend campus regularly but are seeking more guidance and interaction with our AVT Trainers and Assessors.
Virtual classroom sessions are held weekly. You will remotely join a live on-campus classroom session, where course content is delivered by a Trainer and Assessor and will include presentations, class discussions, training videos, industry related scenarios and guest speakers throughout the course. It’s an interactive session where you can ask the Trainer and Assessor questions. These sessions complement the course material and help you better understand the content, rather than just reading all the information that is required.
Virtual tutorial sessions are held monthly with your Trainer and Assessor. These optional Zoom-like sessions (using Teams) are designed to offer support to a smaller group of online students. These face-time sessions allow you time to speak to your Trainer and Assessor and your fellow classmates directly. You can attend these sessions if you have questions about any aspects of the course, including questions about the assessments, workplace assignments and practical tasks that need to be completed in practice. Useful tips on how to approach each subject area and the associated assessments can also be discussed.
On-campus workshops are essential hands-on practical training sessions occur during these on-campus workshops spread out over the duration of the course. During these compulsory workshops, you also get to meet with the AVT Trainers and Assessors and your fellow classmates, who you usually only see online.