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What is the difference between the RSPCA based course and the online course?

Both our online and RSPCA based Certificate III in Animal Care courses, provide graduates with the qualification, “ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care”.  However, there are differences between the two study mode options:-

  • Training – the obvious difference between the two courses is the RSPCA course involves on-site training at the RSPCA WA and on-campus at AVT. In comparison, online students study their course material online, supplemented with practical training at a student-organised and AVT approved animal care workplace.
  • Units of study – all students complete 17 units of competency that are similar for both courses except for one unit.  RSPCA students complete the unit “BSBXTW301 Work in a team”, whereas this is replaced with “BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers” for online students.
  • Assessments – the RSPCA assessments are customised to activities and skills learned at the RSPCA. On the other hand, our online course assessments cover a broader skill base. Online students are also required to submit video assessments.

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