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What is the LLN quiz?

An LLN quiz checks your Language, Literacy, and Numeracy skills to ensure you have the right support for your studies.

All AVT qualifications have been evaluated against the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) to determine a student’s proficiency in the essential core skills required for successful participation in a course. These core skills include learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy.  

How is the quiz conducted?

All applicants will be emailed a request to complete a quiz, which is conducted online and completed from home. We recommend carefully reading and answering each question rather than rushing through the quiz.

What is an example LLN question?

This is an example Certificate II level LLN question:

Read the following text message and answer the questions:

“Hi Jenny, Happy Birthday. I’m at Tony’s now but I’ll see you at the restaurant at 6pm for your party. From Sharon”

  • Who is the message from?
  • Where are they going to meet?
  • What time are you going to meet?

How is the quiz evaluated?

An independent organisation evaluates this quiz to determine if your current core skills meet the required level for the course. If you are a successful applicant and minor skill gaps are identified, you will be provided with the necessary support to develop the required skill level throughout the course. 

You may not be suitable for a course if a significant core skill gap is identified. In such instances, you may be referred to an alternative study pathway or external support services to develop these core skills. 

Why choose AVT?

Dedicated Animal Care College

AVT has been delivering Vet Nursing and Animal Care related courses for over 25 years. It's safe to say there are no plumbing or hairdressing courses here!

Prerequisite course for veterinary nursing

Outstanding Track Record

A recent NCVER VET student outcomes report found 93% of AVT graduates were employed or enrolled in further study after training and 95% of graduates would recommend the training provided by AVT.

Prerequisite course for veterinary nursing

Safe and Supported Learning

Our qualified teaching team have many years of experience as well as extensive backgrounds in the veterinary and animal care industry. They're approachable and dedicated to helping students succeed.

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