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Student Policies



The purpose of this page is to provide a quick reference about training programs, policies and processes, roles and responsibilities guiding students through their learning experience with Applied Vocational Training (AVT). These policies and processes may change from time to time. The most current is shown on this page.

AVT is a registered training organisation (RTO) registered with the National Vet Regulator; Australian Skill Quality Authority (ASQA). AVT’s RTO number is 5273. As an RTO, AVT is bound to comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs) 2015. Training Services provided to clients follow policies and processes developed to meet the VET Quality Framework and SRTOs 2015.

AVT delivers a range of training programs, both accredited and non-accredited, which are conducted as public courses or customised for students and industry. AVT’s holistic approach ensures students’ needs are met. Accredited programs have been approved by State and /or Commonwealth Government. AVT’s products and services are listed and shown on this website;


Recognition is the collective term and includes:

  • Recognition of prior learning (RPL);
  • Recognition of current competency (RCC);
  • Credit transfer (CT); and
  • Mutual Recognition (MR).

All students have the opportunity to apply for recognition. This means that students can submit evidence for a Unit(s) of Competency and have it assessed by a qualified Assessor without completing the training. Applications must be completed and received prior to the commencement of the course. Please see the fees schedule for associated charges.

AVT believes that no student should be required to undertake a unit of competency for which they are already able to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the performance outcomes, as stated in the endorsed training package or nationally recognised course.

AVT aims to maximise the recognition of a student’s prior skills and knowledge whilst at all times maintaining the integrity and standards of the defined learning outcomes of the specific qualification or course of study. Students who consider they already possess the competencies identified in all or part of any course/qualification offered by AVT may seek recognition.

If students think they have the necessary knowledge and skills to match a Unit(s) of Competency or a qualification at the required standard, visit the RPL page for more information on the Recognition of Prior Learning process.

Recognition process

Recognition is a method of assessing if a student has evidence of competency for a particular unit of competency that they are enrolled in. It is important to remember that Recognition is an assessment process not an assumption of competence.
Recognition is the determination, on an individual basis, of the competencies obtained by a student through:

  • previous formal training
  • work experience, and/or
  • life experience.

It is important to note, the onus is on the student to document and present evidence to justify a claim for recognition and present their case to the satisfaction of the Assessor.

Any documents that a student provides to support their claim of competency must be the originals or a certified copy. Where originals are provided, a photocopy will be taken and kept on record. Alternatively, a student may email or submit these documents via the online enrolment and application forms provided. It is also expected that any evidence submitted is a student’s own and if any part of the work is the work of others, that this is formally acknowledged and advised.

Students wishing to apply for RPL can do so by visiting the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) page for more information.

Recognition decision

Regardless of the type of evidence that is submitted, Assessors must be confident that the evidence meets the following criteria:

  • Full requirements of the Unit of Competency(s);
  • Any Regulatory requirements;
  • Authenticity – That it is a student’s own evidence and can be authenticated;
  • That students can perform the competency consistently and reliably;
  • Is at the standard expected in the industry and set out in the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF);
  • Sufficiency – There is sufficient evidence to make a judgment.

AVT is committed to ensuring that all judgements made by Assessors against the same competency standards are consistent. Assessors will examine the evidence that students present and then make a judgement on that evidence which will be either:

  • Competent (C) – a student has been deemed competent against all the requirements of the Unit/s of Competency
  • Not Yet Competent (NYC) – a student has not yet demonstrated competency to all requirements.

An assessor will advise a student what they can do if they receive a NYC for an assessment task. If deemed NYC in the initial assessment, the student is allowed a second attempt. Students should contact their assessor if there are any concerns.

Mutual recognition / Credit Transfers

AVT recognises the AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). This is commonly referred to as Mutual Recognition or Credit Transfer. Mutual recognition is applicable when a Statement of Attainment or qualification provided by a student has the same national competency codes as those that form part of the training and assessment program within which the student is enrolled or is intending to enrol. With Mutual Recognition students are not required to undertake learning in the unit/s again, the student is exempt.

Mutual recognition/credit transfer requests can be made at the time of application/enrolment or via the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) information page.  A non-refundable credit transfer fee is applicable per enrolment i.e. if a student is unsuccessful in receiving full or partial recognition the application fee is non-refundable. Please note, students funded by the Jobs and Skills WA program are exempt from credit transfer fees.

Course delivery and completion

About AVT course delivery

Flexible delivery

Flexible delivery focuses on learning rather than teaching and to provide the best possible learning experience for a student. This means that a student has greater control over what, when and how they learn.

AVT offers various forms of delivery to accommodate the varying needs of students. Modes of delivery available for courses may include classroom (face-to-face) environment, workplace based, on-line eLearning, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or a combination of these.

Learning materials

Depending on the chosen course, students receive either an online or printed version of the training and /or assessment materials as part of the course fee.  Where printed materials are provided, additional fees for the replacement of materials will be incurred where available.

Non-compulsory Non-accredited workshops

Throughout each year, AVT offers additional workshops that have been designed to complement the learning experience of students studying nationally accredited qualifications.  These workshops are not a compulsory component of the qualifications but offer students an opportunity to gain extra hands-on experience in areas of study that they may have limited exposure to in their practical work experience placements.

Additional tutoring

All students enrolled in a course with AVT receive a reasonable amount of tuition from one of AVT’s suitably qualified Trainer and Assessors, deemed appropriate to the level of the qualification the student has enrolled in. In some instances, due to individual reasons, a student may require some additional tutoring to maximise their chances of successfully completing their enrolment.

AVT offers additional one-on-one tutoring to students from a suitably qualified Trainer and Assessor for a set fee charged per hour.

Students can make a request for additional tutoring by speaking directly with their current course Trainer and Assessor or by contacting the AVT office.


When an assessment (e.g., assignment, quiz, test) has been submitted by a student, the assessor may seek a reasonable amount of additional information, evidence or clarification from the student to determine if the required level of competency has been met.

In instances where the second assessment result is Not Yet Competent (NYC), a student will be required to contact a tutor/assessor for feedback before being allowed a third attempt. Students will be counselled, by an AVT assessor, to ensure they are aware of the reassessment policy and have received adequate feedback on their previous submissions.

In the event that a student has been deemed Not Yet Competent after the third attempt of a single assessment, the student will be requested to pay a reassessment fee as per the AVT fees schedule.

In the event that a student has been deemed Not Yet Competent after all four attempts of a single assessment, the student will again be contacted by the Program Manager to discuss future steps. This will include a review of the overall course progression and the possibility of re-enrolling in the unit.

If a student is not deemed competent, the overall grade for the unit of competency will be CNA (Competency Not Achieved) and the student will not meet the qualification packaging requirements to be successfully awarded the full qualification.

At the completion of the course, the student will instead be provided with a Statement of Attainment for any units that have been successfully completed.

Course Extensions

All accredited qualifications have a maximum time limit permitted for completion.

The durations have been determined by addressing the volume of learning requirements as indicated by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). It is important that students adhere to these time limits to ensure the training and assessment they receive reflects the most current industry practices.

However, if a student is unable to complete a qualification in the allocated time frame, they may apply to request an enrolment extension period. Extensions are granted on a case by case basis and fees are payable as per the fees schedule.

To apply for an extension the student must complete and submit a Student Course Amendment Form and make payment in full two (2) weeks prior to the expected course completion date. Failure to do so will result in course cancellation and the student will not be able to access the Moodle Online Learning account. If the student wishes to continue, they will be required to re-enrol (fees apply as per the fees schedule) in any units not yet completed and meet any competency gaps if there have been changes to the course content since initial enrolment.

The following table sets out the study duration for online courses that may be applied to an enrolment. For all on-campus/intensive based courses – please refer to the Statement of Enrolment for the expected completion date.

ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care1 Year
ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services
1 Year
ACM40322 Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour & Training
1 Year
ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing Online eLearning
2 Years
ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing Blended Learning
1.5 Years
ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing On-campus Part-time
1.5 Years
Equine Veterinary Nursing Short Course1 Year

After the initial course duration, extensions may be granted on a case by case basis. Fees will apply as outlined in the fees table.


Students who are required to re-enrol in their course must complete the online application/enrolment form found on the individual course page of the AVT website, and pay the course re-enrolment application fee as stated in the fees schedule.

This application fee covers the assessment of each student’s individual record and includes a review of student activity/inactivity, a review of completed units of study and a comparison with current course content to understand gap training requirements as well as work placement activity and assessment.

Once the re-enrolment review is complete, a fixed re-enrolment fee will be required from the student. This fee will cover administration of the re-enrolment, changes to the course fees if applicable, any gap training and preparation of any new materials required such as textbooks, workbooks and training plans.

To re-enrol in a course, students will need to complete the full application/enrolment form available on the relevant course page at  to ensure student records are up to date.

Change of study mode

If a student wishes to change their mode of study, e.g., from on-campus to online, they are required to complete the Student Course Amendment Form.

Reissuance of Certification or Statement of Attainments

All students who successfully complete one of AVT’s Nationally Recognised Training courses will receive a qualification certificate and a record of results. Students who achieve partial completion of the qualification will receive a Statement of Attainment. These are provided on the first instance at no cost to the student.

Subsequent issuance of certificates, records of results or statement of attainments as requested are provided for a set fee listed in the Fees schedule. This fee includes all printing, postage and handling for a hard copy document.

A request for reissuance of certification can be made by contacting AVT student support.

Fees, payments and funding

AVT has developed a fair and equitable process for determining course fees, refunds and payment options.


Qualifications – Nationally Recognised Training and Assessment

The following products or services, unless otherwise stated, are inclusive of the total course fee as advertised online at the time of enrolment:

For full time and part-time on-campus courses

  • All standard training and assessment resources
  • A suitably qualified Trainer and Assessor
  • A pre-arranged unpaid workplace placement for practical experience
  • Accident and liability insurance coverage for work experience placements based in Australia. Insurance does not cover students who are located internationally.
  • Reasonable adjustment and student support services where a need has been identified
  • Lunchroom amenities. Students are to provide their own meals, though tea, coffee and some light refreshments may be provided

For all online eLearning courses

  • All standard training and assessment materials are available in electronic format. Hardcopy printed materials are available for students who prefer this method of learning, at an additional cost applied for printing, postage and handling
  • Access to a suitably qualified Trainer and Assessor
  • A pre-arranged unpaid practical workplace placement (work placement) for practical experience for students undertaking Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing in Perth, WA. Students enrolling in an Animal Studies/Animal Care or Companion Animal Services course are responsible for finding their own work placement that is to be checked and approved by AVT prior to commencing the placement.
  • Accident and liability insurance coverage for work experience placements that have been checked and approved by AVT. This cover is only for Australian based students and does not cover students who are located internationally.
  • Reasonable adjustment and student support services where a need has been identified

Fees schedule

In addition to the individual course fees, the following additional fees schedule applies.

Course extension fee (per 3 month extension)$230.00*
Course re-enrolment application fee$75.00
Course re-enrolment fee (if application approved)Starts from $545.00
Unit re-enrolment fee$125.00
Reassessment fee (Moodle test, Moodle assignment)$25.00
Reassessment fee (Workplace assignment/ Case study /Video assessment)$45.00**
Reassessment fee (Practical skills review)$65.00**
Credit transfer fee (per enrolment)$75.00***
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) self-assessment application fee$30.00/unit
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment fee – AQF Level 2 units$250.00/unit
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment fee – AQF Level 3 units$350.00/unit
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment fee – AQF Level 4 units$450.00/unit
Failed direct debit fee$25.00
Student support additional tutoring fee$55.00/hr
Replacement Practical Task Workbook$65.00
Reissuance of testamurs (Statement of Attainment & Record of Results/Certificate)$50.00

* Does not apply for Jobs and Skills WA program funded students
** A maximum fee of $25/reassessment applies for all Jobs and Skills WA program funded students
*** Fee only applies to non-AVT (other training organisation) credit transfer requests. Does not apply for Jobs and Skills WA program funded students

Failed direct debit fee

Payment plans are available for course fees. The payment plans will process payments on a regular schedule as detailed when signing up to each plan. An invoice will be emailed to the student when each payment is scheduled.

If a regular payment attempt declines, the payment plan system will attempt to retry the payment four (4) business days later. If this retry attempt fails, the student will need to make the payment manually using details provided on the accompanying invoice (reminder invoices are also sent after both payments have declined).

The payment plan will attempt to process as usual with the following regular payment.

If there have been two regular payments, where both the initial attempt and the retry attempt both declines, with no contact or catch up payment made, the student’s access to the course material will be suspended. The payment plan will also be suspended so further payments do not process. AVT will attempt to make reasonable contact with a student prior to suspending course material. If all outstanding payments are not received, or an alternative payment schedule agreed, within 14 days of the suspension of access to course material, the student will be withdrawn from the course.

All overdue scheduled payments, as well as a $25 failed direct debit fee, are required to be paid outright, and the payment plan is required to be re-established before access to the course material is resumed.


Payment options

In accordance with clause 7.3 of the SRTOs 2015, AVT does not collect any prepaid fees from students in excess of $1,500.00.

The following payment options are available to students:

Payment plans

AVT offers flexible payment plans for all courses. An enrolment fee may be payable on enrolment of the course, the remaining tuition fees may be paid over monthly instalments debited from the student’s nominated bank account. Please contact AVT for payment plan term options applicable to the particular course of interest.

Students must ensure adequate funds are available in the nominated bank account to cover the instalment amount each month. Failed direct debit fees apply, see the fees section for more information.

All enrolment and tuition fees are subject to the provisions of AVT’s cancellations and refunds policy.

Payment methods

Payment methods currently accepted by AVT include:

  • Credit card payment via the AVT online learning store
  • Credit card payment is taken over the phone
  • Direct debit from student’s nominated financial institution account for those on a payment plan
Accepted cards and surcharges

AVT is currently only able to process credit card payments from the following cards:

  • Visa Card
  • Master Card

Credit card payments made to AVT using any of the cards from the list above, do not incur any surcharges.

Funding arrangements

Jobs and Skills WA funded programs

AVT is an approved preferred registered training provider (RTO) with the Department of Training and Workforce Development and have a range of funded courses available through the Jobs and Skills WA program. For individual course fee information see AVT’s course pages below:

The Jobs and Skills WA program is a government initiative that funds training and qualifications which fit with industry and employer needs. It also subsidises training in non-priority areas, recognising the value that better training and skills bring to society at large.

The Jobs and Skills WA program gives eligible students the opportunity to access funding for:

  • Heavily subsidised courses in priority skill areas
  • A wide range of subsidised training courses in other areas
  • A rage of subsidised traineeships

Students who meet the eligibility criteria and are offered a funded place of training under the Jobs and Skills WA program and are subject to the terms of the Government of Western Australia, Department of Training and Workforce Development, VET Fee and Charges Policy 2023.

For further information, please see the Jobs and Skills WA website.

School or employer payment of fees

Where the cost of a student’s enrolment and tuition is to be met by a school, employer or any other third party by prior arrangement, the school, employer or third party will be invoiced directly for the full upfront payment of all applicable course fees and will be subject to the provisions of AVT’s cancellations and refunds policy.

Withdrawals, refunds and cancellations


If a student wishes to withdraw from a course, they will be required to complete a Student Course Amendment Form.
If a student decides to withdraw from study for any reason, AVT will firstly discuss potential options with the student prior to processing withdrawal applications. As soon as a withdrawal has been requested in writing, all access to the online learning system will be suspended. Payment plans will be suspended within 5 business days subject to covering fees for any units that a student has been enrolled in via the online learning system.

On-campus or limited place enrolments

As a placement on the on-campus course (or any course where places are limited) cannot be assigned to another student after the commencement of the course, students are committed to the full course fees and are expected to fulfil the terms of their payment plan, or pay the balance upfront, if they chose to withdraw.

Online eLearning students

For online-based enrolments where places aren’t limited, any fees paid to date will not be refundable, and any further payment plan payments will be suspended once the withdrawal has been processed, subject to covering fees for any units that a student has been enrolled in via the online learning system.


The following policies apply:

a) No refund is applicable once a student has been enrolled in a unit.*
b) No refund will be provided to students who do not successfully complete a unit (e.g., students deemed not competent after unit completion).
c) No refund is applicable if a student has commenced a unit and subsequently requests recognition of prior learning (RPL) or credit transfer for that unit.
d) No refund will be provided for recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessments if the student does not qualify for RPL.
e) Enrolment and administration fees paid at course commencement are non-refundable.
f) AVT does not accept liability for any loss or damage suffered if a student withdraws from a course.
g) For online courses requiring an application fee, the fee will be refunded if the application is unsuccessful.

*Jobs and Skills WA program funded students are subject to the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) VET fees and charges policy.

Refunds for workshops

As AVT scheduled workshops have limited places available, it is appreciated if students can provide as much notice as possible for cancellations.

The following provides the refund amount available relative to the notice period given for withdrawal from a workshop:

  • Notice given 7 days or more from commencement date – 100% refund of Deposit/Enrolment fees paid by the Student
  • Notice given 6 days or less from commencement date – 50% refund of Deposit/Enrolment fees paid by the Student
  • Failure to attend – Nil refund of Deposit/Enrolment fees from the commencement date
  • Cancellation of a workshop or course by AVT where no suitable replacement is available –100% refund of all fees paid in advance by the Student


In the event that a scheduled course or workshop is cancelled by AVT, enrolled students will be notified as soon as practical and will be offered:

a placement on another equivalent course or workshop,
a full refund of any deposit and/or any prepaid fees by the student

In the event that a course or workshop is cancelled by AVT and no suitably equivalent course or workshop placement is available, a full refund of any deposit and/or prepaid fees by the student will be automatically processed. Students do not have to apply for a refund, AVT will process the refunds automatically.

Commencement dates

  • Commencement for online students is the date that online access is provided to an individual student for a particular course.
  • Commencement date for a classroom-based learning mode is the first day of the course.

Social media

About social media

Social media has become an important tool for student engagement and learning at AVT. As a result, AVT embraces the use of social media by students to connect with staff and peers via official AVT social media profiles.

For the purposes of this policy, social media is online media designed to allow information to be shared, disseminated and created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media services include, but are not limited to: social and professional networking sites (eg Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Snapchat, Twitter) and media sharing sites (eg YouTube, Flickr), blogs and comments on blogs, online collaboration tools and forums (eg Whirlpool, Quora), Vodcasting and Podcasting sites, as well as instant message sites (eg Facebook Messenger).


Students, graduates and staff should adopt a common-sense approach to the use of social media to ensure:

  • conversation is respectful and courteous and both contributes and is relevant to the discussion taking place;
  • conversation respects the rights of others to have and to express an opinion. Where an individual disagrees, they must do so in a constructive manner. It is not appropriate and may even be illegal to post comments or respond to comments about AVT or individuals which could be considered offensive, defamatory, harassing, threatening, discriminatory, intimidating or otherwise inappropriate;
  • AVT’s reputation and that of its staff and students is enhanced and not compromised through the use of social media;
  • AVT’s legal obligations are not compromised through the use of social media including laws about copyright, privacy, defamation, contempt of court, discrimination and harassment;
  • only information about AVT, associated workplaces and work placement organisations, and their activities that are not confidential and are publicly available is ever disclosed and discussed;
  • reasonable steps are taken to ensure that any content published is accurate and not misleading;
  • that the use, including content published, complies with all relevant AVT rules as published in a particular social media platform;
  • that all communications adhere to the Terms of Use of the relevant social media provider;
  • the AVT logo is not used or republished in circumstances where posting on a personal profile, or in any unofficial AVT group without the express permission of the Marketing Manager in writing;
  • social media pages or groups including private groups (e.g. Facebook groups) that represent themselves as AVT or use the name AVT, Applied Vocational Training or any other name that preludes itself to be AVT are not created, administered or managed unless the express permission of the Marketing Manager is received in writing.

Staff and student connections on social media

AVT Staff are prohibited to ‘friend’ or accept personal ‘friend’ requests and/or, allow students to ‘follow’ personal social media profiles.

Breach of social media policy

A student who does not comply with the expectations of AVT as set out in this policy may face disciplinary action, which in serious cases can result in exclusion and or course cancellation from AVT. Any person concerned that the conduct of a student using social media contravenes this policy may report their concern to AVT via Where required by AVT, if a student is requested to remove, and cooperate with all attempts to remove, a post, comment or online content and the student fails to do so, AVT holds the right to take disciplinary action including course cancellation.


Academic misrepresentation

Students are advised that it is unacceptable to misrepresent themselves in any of their assessments.

Where AVT suspect that a student has misrepresented themselves, student support will make contact with the student in writing explaining that an academic misrepresentation is suspected. AVT will make a full investigation into the alleged misrepresentation including, but not limited to, contacting the workplace supervisor if necessary.

If the investigation provides evidence of misrepresentation, the matter will be referred to the General Manager for the appropriate action to be taken. AVT’s approach to managing misrepresentation for assessments is as follows:-

  • Where AVT believe there is a genuine misunderstanding, a student will be asked to resubmit their assessment. In this instance, an informal warning will be given to the student.
  • Where AVT believe that a student has deliberately and knowingly misrepresented themselves in an assessment AVT will impose sanctions that we consider are fair and proportionate to the conduct committed. These could include, but not limited to the resubmission of the assignment, a written warning or cancellation of the student’s enrolment.

Misrepresentation includes but is not limited to:

  • Imitation of the signature of the supervisor/mentor in the workplace.
  • Using the work of another individual or organisation and claiming it as a student’s own.
  • Falsifying or fabricating information for use in assessments (unless simulation of the activity is acceptable).
  • Changing the record of any grade or result.
  • Providing false information in order to obtain reasonable adjustments to course and assessment requirements.
  • Plagiarism.

Plagiarism is when a student uses someone else’s words or ideas without acknowledging that they have done so. That is, work is essentially copied.

All work in each individual assessment task must be the work of the student. Students are not permitted to submit for marking, as original, any work which contains:

  • Identical or similar material to the work of another person (e.g. another student, a parent, a tutor);
  • Identical, or similar material to a published work
  • Identical, similar, or derivative material generated by AI tools such as language models (e.g. GPT-4, ChatGPT) without proper acknowledgement and verification.

Behavioural misconduct

Behavioural misconduct includes but is not limited to:

  • Failure to comply with any policy of AVT, or a workplace
  • Using abusive or insulting language
  • Excessive and ongoing lateness
  • Deliberate misuse of workplace or AVT equipment
  • Conduct that places, students, colleagues, clients, visitors or employees of AVT in fear of their own safety or that of others.
  • Wilfully and knowingly contravening workplace or student policies and procedures
  • Engaging in theft, fraud, or assault
  • Being affected by alcohol, drugs and/or a banned substance

Where AVT witnesses or is made aware of an instance of behavioural misconduct, student support will make contact with the student explaining that behavioural misconduct is suspected. AVT will make a full investigation into the alleged misconduct including, but not limited to, contacting, AVT employees, workplace supervisors and staff or other off-site based staff and managers.

If the investigation provides evidence of misconduct, the matter will be referred to the General Manager for the appropriate action to be taken. AVT’s approach to managing behavioural misconducts is as follows:

In the case of theft, assault and other acts that are contrary to the law, these will be referred to the police immediately.

Where AVT believe that a student has deliberately and knowingly engaged in behavioural misconduct, AVT will impose sanctions that are considered fair and proportionate to the conduct committed. These could include, but not limited to a verbal warning, a written warning or cancellation of the student’s enrolment.

Misconduct directly related to Work Placement

As outlined in a student’s workplace training agreement, students are advised that they are required to agree to and abide by the policies and procedures of their approved workplace and to conduct themselves in a suitably professional manner and to the expected standards of their workplace. Students will follow the instructions and guidance provided by the workplace supervisor to the best of their abilities. AVT will make contact with the students’ workplace supervisor to discuss their performance and progress.

Students are further advised that should they be asked to leave their workplace as a result of any misconduct, that this may jeopardise their place in the enrolled course and AVT reserves the right to cancel their enrolment.


AVT has a fair and equitable process for dealing with client complaints.
All students have the right to express a concern or problem they may be experiencing when undergoing training. The following is an outline of the Complaints Policy.


  • Complaints are treated seriously and dealt with promptly, impartially, sensitively and confidentially.
  • Complaints will be resolved on an individual case basis, as they arise.
  • All students have the right to express a concern or problem and/or lodge a complaint if they are dissatisfied with the training and assessment services that they have been provided (including through a third party) or the behavioural conduct of another student.
  • All complaints are acknowledged in writing and finalised as soon as practicable.
  • The complaint resolution procedure is based on the understanding that no action will be taken without consulting the complainant and respondent, using a process of discussion, cooperation and conciliation.
  • The rights of the complainant and respondent will be acknowledged and protected throughout the complaint resolution process, including the conduct of separate interviews initially.
  • In the interest of confidentiality, the number of people involved in the resolution process will be kept to a minimum.
  • Final decisions will be made by the Director of AVT or an independent party to the complaint.
  • The complaint resolution procedure emphasises mediation and education while acknowledging that in some instances formal procedures and disciplinary action may be required.
  • If the complaints process fails to resolve the complaint or the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint the matter will be referred to an independent third party for review, at the request of the complainant. All costs incurred for the third party review will be advised to the complainant.
  • If the complaint will take in excess of 60 calendar days to finalise AVT will inform the complainant in writing providing the reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required. The complainant will also be provided with regular updates on the progress of the complaint.
  • Victimisation of complainants, respondents or anyone else involved in the complaint resolution process will not be tolerated.
  • All complaints will be handled as Staff-In-Confidence and will not affect or bias the progress of the client in any current or future training. The rights of the complainant and respondent will be acknowledged and protected throughout the complaint resolution process.

Lodging a complaint

If a student would like to lodge a complaint, a formal or informal approach must be made to an AVT Director. To commence this process a student will need to complete a Complaints Lodgement Form here.


AVT ensures that students have access to a fair and equitable process for appeals against assessment decisions. An appeals and reassessment process is an integral part of all training and assessment pathways leading to a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

  • Students have the right to lodge an appeal against an assessment decision if they feel they were unfairly treated during an assessment, and/or where they feel the assessment decision is incorrect and they have grounds for an appeal.
  • The principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are adopted at every stage of the appeal process.
  • The appellant can provide detail of their appeal either verbally and/or in writing.
  • All appeals must be lodged within 7 calendar days of the date of the assessment result notification to the student using the Appeals Lodgement Form
  • If the appeals process fails to resolve the appeal or the appellant is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, the matter will be referred to an independent third party for review, at the request of the appellant. All costs incurred for the third party review will be advised to the appellant.
  • Every appeal is heard by a suitably qualified independent assessor or panel, who will be asked to make an independent assessment of the application.
  • All appeals are acknowledged in writing and finalised as soon as practicable.
  • AVT may charge a fee for the appeals process where an external assessor is engaged. Should this be the case, all costs incurred will be advised to the appellant.
  • If the appeal will take in excess of 60 calendar days to finalise AVT will inform the appellant in writing providing the reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required. The appellant will also be provided with regular updates on the progress of the appeal.
  • AVT strives to deal with appeal issues as soon as they emerge, in order to avoid further disruption or the need for a formal complaint process.
  • All appeals will be handled ‘In-Confidence’ and will not affect or bias the progress of the participant in any current or future training.

Grounds of appeal

Valid grounds for an appeal against an assessment decision (where the trainee feels the assessment decision is incorrect) could include the following:

  • The judgement as to whether competency has been achieved and demonstrated was made incorrectly,
  • The judgement was not made in accordance with the Assessment Plan.
  • Alleged bias of the assessor;
  • Alleged lack of competence of the assessor;
  • Alleged wrong information from the assessor regarding the assessment process;
  • Alleged inappropriate assessment process for the particular competency;
  • Faulty or inappropriate equipment; and/or
  • Inappropriate conditions.

Appeal outcomes

Appeal outcomes may include:

a) Appeal is upheld; in this event, the following options will be available:

I. The original assessment will be re-assessed, potentially by another assessor.
II. Appropriate recognition will be granted.
III. A new assessment shall be conducted/arranged.

b) Appeal is rejected/ not upheld; in accordance with AVT assessment policy the student will be required to:

I. undertake further training or experience prior to further assessment; or
II. re-submit further evidence; or
III. submit/undertake a new assessment

Equal opportunity

AVT is committed to equal opportunity policies and principles, as they affect students and employees to ensure the elimination of discrimination and harassment.

Rights and responsibilities

AVT has a legal and moral obligation to provide equal opportunity in employment and a learning environment free from harassment for employees, contractors and students.
AVT is committed to providing an environment that recognises and respects the diversity of employees, contractors and students. AVT is committed to providing a work and study environment free from harassment, vilification and bullying and supports the rights of all employees, contractors and students to work and study in a safe and healthy environment free from such behaviour.

AVT will:

  • Ensure that employees, contractors and students understand that these types of actions and behaviour will not be tolerated in the work/study environment.
  • Request that any behaviour which could be considered harassment, vilification or bullying cease immediately.

All employees, contractors and students have a role to play in eliminating harassment, vilification and bullying by not encouraging or showing support for harassment, vilification or bullying aimed at work or study colleagues. This can be achieved by:

  • Refusing to join in with these types of actions and behaviours.
  • Supporting the person in saying no to these behaviours.
  • Acting as a witness if the person being harassed decides to lodge a complaint.

If an employee, contractor or student feels harassed, vilified or bullied, the employee, contractor or student is encouraged to inform the person where the behaviour is unwanted, unacceptable and/or offensive. If the employee, contractor or student feels unable to approach the person, or if the behaviour continues following their request that the behaviour ceases, the DIRECTOR should be contacted.

As a client of AVT, students have the responsibility to:

  • Act to prevent harassment, discrimination and victimization against others;
  • Respect differences among other staff, students and contractors, such as cultural and social diversity;
  • Treat people fairly, without discrimination, harassment or victimization;
  • Refuse to join in with these behaviours;
  • Supporting the person in saying no to these behaviours;
  • Acting as a witness it the person being harassed decides to lodge a complaint.


Discrimination is treating someone unfairly or harassing them because they belong to a particular group. It is against the law to discriminate against a person because of their age, sex, pregnancy, disability (includes, past, present or possible future disability), race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or nationality, marital status, sexuality or gender identification.

Both direct and indirect discrimination is against the law:

  • Direct discrimination – means treatment that is obviously unfair or unequal.
  • Indirect discrimination – means having a requirement that is the same for everyone but has an effect or result that is unfair to particular groups.

Harassment, vilification and bullying

All employees, contractors and students have an equal opportunity to work and study. AVT will not tolerate behaviour that is of a harassing, vilifying or bullying nature.

It is against the law for employees, contractors and students to be harassed during the course of their work or study because of their sex, pregnancy, race (including colour, nationality, descent, ethnic or religious background), marital status, disability, sexuality, HIV/AIDS status or transgender. Federal anti-discrimination legislation applies to staff, contractors and students.


In general, harassment is behaviour that is unwanted and that humiliates, offends or intimidates a person, and occurs because of a person’s:

  • Race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or national identity.
  • Sex.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Marital status.
  • Disability (including physical, intellectual and/or behavioural/psychiatric disability; past, current or future disability; actual or presumed disability).
  • Sexuality (male or female; actual or presumed).
  • Transgender.
  • Age.

It is unlawful for a person to be harassed due to a relationship to or association with a person of a particular race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender or age.
Harassment in the work and study environment can be overt or subtle, direct or indirect. It can be verbal, non-verbal or physical. Harassment can occur when power is used incorrectly.
Harassment is not always intended. Actions and behaviour that one person finds amusing or unimportant may offend or hurt another person.

Examples of harassment include:

  • Intrusive or inappropriate questions or comments about a person’s private life.
  • Unwanted written, telephone or electronic messages.
  • Promises or threats to a person.
  • Physical violence or the threat of physical violence or coercion.


Vilification is the public act of a person which incites hatred towards, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of, a person or group of persons on the grounds of race, sexuality, transgender or HIV/AIDS status.

Examples of circumstances and behaviour that may constitute vilification on the basis of a person’s race, sexuality, on transgender grounds, or disability (HIV/AIDS) etc are graffiti, speeches or statements made in public, abuse that happens in public, statements or remarks in a newspaper, journal or other publication, on radio, television or other widely accessed electronic media such as the internet, email etc. People wearing symbols, such as badges or clothing with slogans, in public, gestures made in public, posters or stickers in public space.


Bullying behaviour can refer to the actions or behaviours of a person to another that intimidates, degrades or humiliates the person. It may include verbal abuse, behaviour intended to punish such as isolation, exclusion from workplace activities and “ganging up”. Repeated “put-downs”, aggression, threats and poorly managed conflicts of opinion may be part of bullying behaviour. It can occur between people such as managers and employees or contractors, co-workers and clients.

Sexual harassment

AVT will not tolerate sexual harassment in the learning or work environment.

AVT deplores all form of sexual harassment and seeks to ensure that the work and study environment is free from such harassment. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all persons.

Sexual harassment is unlawful. The harasser may be held liable for unlawful actions and be required to pay damages. All employees, contractors and clients have the right to work and study in an environment free from sexual harassment.

Forms of sexual harassment

Sexual harassment may take many forms. Often people do not realise that their behaviour constitutes sexual harassment, but they must be aware that behaviour that is acceptable to one person may not necessarily be acceptable to another. Sexual harassment is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature by one person to another at work or in a work-related setting.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • Insensitive jokes and pranks.
  • Lewd comments about appearance.
  • Unnecessary body contact.
  • Displays of sexually offensive materials, for example, calendars or posters.
  • Requests for sexual favours.
  • Speculation about a person’s private life and sexual activities.
  • Threatened or actual sexual violence.
  • Threat of dismissal, loss of opportunity and so on, for refusal of sexual favours.


All complaints regarding equal opportunity matters are treated seriously and investigated promptly, confidentially and impartially.


AVT abides by the Privacy Act and confidentiality requirements and respects students, staff and Trainer and Assessors’ right to privacy.

As a RTO, AVT is obliged to maintain effective administrative and records management systems. This involves the collection and retention of personal information from students in secure student records. All staff will be scrupulous in using student information only for the purposes for which it was gathered. No other person/client can and will have access to a personal client file without prior written permission.

If a student would like access to their personal records, they must contact the AVT support office using the contact-us form.

AVT collects information from students upon initial enquiry in order to send course information and is collected at application or enrolment and during the provision of the training and assessment services. AVT may use personal information to advise Students of upcoming events and training course, for marketing and research purposes. In addition, feedback on services provided through surveys is collected. This feedback assists AVT to improve the quality of the services and training and is treated confidentially.

AVT will only disclose information to other parties, as required by law, or as otherwise allowed under the Privacy Act 1988T. For more information, please see our Privacy Policies page.
