Updates and proposed updates to the National Training Package, Animal Care and Management (ACM) have been released and have a direct impact on all AVT National Qualifications. Updates were released by the organisation that is responsible for review and development of the ACM Training Package in November 2017.
Changes to the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing
The ACM40412 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing qualification was updated by the organisation responsible for the development and review of the ACM Training Package in 2017 . The replacement qualification is ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing.
As a result of the update, there are two significant changes to the way this qualification is offered:-
- ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary nursing now has a pre-requisite requirement:
Students must hold a Certificate II in Animal Studies OR hold a relevant Certificate III or higher level qualification in an animal science discipline OR can demonstrate equivalent skills and knowledge in a relevant animal science discipline to any of the above qualifications. - Â ACM40418 will not be directly equivalent to the current ACM40412 qualification, although ACM40412 will continue to be recognised as a national qualification.Â
I currently hold the ACM40412 Certificate IV in Vet Nursing qualification. Do I need to update to ACM40418 to be qualified in Australia?
Veterinary nurses who hold the ACM40412 Certificate IV in Vet Nursing (or prior equivalent qualification) will continue to be qualified in Australia and ACM40412 will still be recognised as a national qualification. Therefore, upgrading to ACM40418 is not necessary and is entirely at the discretion of the individual.

I want to start my veterinary nursing studies now, what should I do?
There are three options:-
- If you wish to study via our eLearning option and if you think you meet the pre-requisite requirements for ACM40418 Cert IV in Vet Nursing (ie you have a Certificate in Animal Studies or Animal Care OR you can demonstrate equivalent skills and knowledge in a relevant animal science discipline to any of the above qualifications) then visit our course entry page and follow the prompts to complete our online application HERE.
- If you are Perth based, and wish to study one of our on-campus courses, you can register your interest HERE.
- If you do not meet the above pre-requisites for ACM40418 course, enrol today in one of our prerequisite courses as listed below.
For more information on ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing >>
Changes to Certificate II and III in Animal Studies
The Animal Care Training Package, continues to evolve and change. For information relating to the latest changes see the link below. In reference to the evolution of the prerequisite courses the following information may be helpful.
- ACM20110 Certificate II in Animal Studies was superseded by ACM20117 Certificate II in Animals Studies in 2017. The most current qualification is now ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care
- ACM30110 Certificate III in Animal Studies was superseded by ACM30117 Certificate III in Animal Studies in 2017. In 2021, ACM30121 was launched with a considerable revision to course content. Minor changes have recently been made to the latest qualification, currently ACM30122 Certificate II in Animal Care Services
Prerequisite Courses for Veterinary Nursing
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (Online)
Studying Online
Animal Care Online Course
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (Vet Nursing Pathway)
About Vet Nurse Pathway
Vet Nursing Pathway
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (VETDSS )
About Our Schools Program
VETDSS for High School Students
ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care (Health & Welfare)
About Animal Health & Welfare
Animal Health & Welfare
ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services
Studying Online
Animal Care Services
ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services (RSPCA)
About the RSPCA Program